Helping a dog or cat through the grieving process is similar to supporting a human companion in many ways. Pets can feel the loss of a companion deeply, and there are several things you can do to help them:

Infographic explaining 10 things you Can do to help your pet When they are Grieving

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1. Maintain Routine: Pets thrive on routine, so try to keep their schedule as normal as possible. Regular feeding times, walks, and play sessions can provide stability during this time of change.

2. Provide Comfort: Offer extra love and attention to your grieving pet. Spend quality time together, cuddle, and engage in activities they enjoy.

3. Monitor Appetite and Behavior: Keep an eye on your pet’s eating habits and behavior. Grieving pets might have a decreased appetite or show changes in behavior. If there are any concerning changes, consult a vet.

4. Stay Calm and Supportive: Pets can pick up on human emotions, so try to remain calm and reassuring. Your presence and support can be very comforting to them.

5. Maintain Exercise: Exercise is not only beneficial for your pet’s physical health but also helps release endorphins that can improve their mood.

6. Introduce Distractions: Provide toys or activities that your pet enjoys to distract them and keep them engaged. Puzzle toys or games that encourage mental stimulation can be helpful.

7. Allow Mourning: Pets may show signs of mourning, such as searching for their lost friend, whining, or being more subdued than usual. Allow them to express these emotions without discouraging them.

8. Consider Socialization: If your dog is used to being around other dogs, arranging playdates with other friendly pets can help alleviate loneliness or consider getting another companion.

9. Seek Veterinary Advice if Necessary: If your Pet’s behavior changes drastically or if they show signs of distress for an extended period, it might be helpful to consult a vet.

10. Give Time to Heal: Just like humans, pets need time to heal from the loss of a companion. With time, patience, and your loving support, they will gradually adjust to the new normal.

Remember, every pet is unique, and their grieving process can vary. Providing love, consistency, and understanding during this time can greatly aid in their healing process. Helping your remaining pet through the grieving process is a gift. If you would like to learn more about pet hospice and end of life care go to Loving Paws House Calls.